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  • Loewe Oil synthetic and basic motoroil and lubricants

    Loewe Oil synthetic and basic motoroil and lubricants

    Welcome to Loewe Oil European High Quality Lubricants and MotorOil for Auto, moto, agriculture, transport, construction.

    Loewe Oil® offers all types of High Quality Oils and products such as Two and Four Stroke Oil, Transmission Oil ATF, Gear Oil, Coolant, Anti-Freeze, Brake Fluid and many others.

  • MotorOil 15W40 ,10W40, 5W40, 5W30, 10W60, 0W40

    MotorOil 15W40 ,10W40, 5W40, 5W30, 10W60, 0W40

    LOEWE OIL® MotorOil is prescribed for all types of gasoline, LPG and diesel engines, turbo charged or naturally aspira­ted. In passenger cars and small commercial vehicles working under the severest heavy duty circumstances, in all seasons. Also everywhere below mentioned spe­cifications are to be fulfilled.